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Percentage Pricing FAQs

Similar to a general contractor or interior designer, the scope of our work varies greatly based on amount spent. A percentage pricing model might be new to some, but is used consistently in design and management fields. Hopefully this page helps to share our passion for education and design in the wedding planning industry. 


How does it actually work? Do we just tell you a number and then you calculate your fee? 


Initially, yes. But because we are managing your vendor contracts and updating your budget for you we have a constant understanding of what is being spent and where. Our total fee is split up into 4 payments and they are calculated based on the current budget reality.


What if we don’t have a set budget?  


Totally get that. To book we would use our minimum fee to calculate the 25% deposit and then we’d sit down and come up with a max number that you felt comfortable with and move forward using that. Lots of people don’t know where to start with an overall number, but we promise, getting there will ultimately save you! Neglecting this step would be like giving a 16 year old keys, but no directions. We've gotta have a map.



What if we have a small guest count and don’t anticipate spending a ton?


Cool! We would require our minimum.


We have boujee taste. So why should you get a higher rate simply because we choose nicer products? 



I love this question. This is where I nerd out over wedding planning experience/trends/commonalities. When a client chooses high end options I take into account what I call a “formality factor”. Formality factor determines the level of service a client expects. It’s my firm belief that quality (or price) of choices is directly tied to level of expectations. I higher spending client simply has higher expectations. We staff those weddings differently, we serve those weddings differently. Bottom line: our workload is drastically influenced by funds spent. 

the burning question...

Wouldn’t you want us to go over budget so that you technically made a higher fee? OR Couldn’t we just tell you a smaller number so we didn’t have to pay as much?

Ahh, the sneaky, sneakster enters the chat haha. I’ll address these questions, but ultimately the answer comes down to, do you trust us? If not, no answer will likely satisfy you. If so, rest assured we sincerely have your best interest at heart. If you want to read more about the character of our company we welcome you to peruse our generous and glowing online reviews.

Now the specific answers…


No, we absolutely are not going to try to upsell you at every possible turn. We are incredibly transparent with budget expectations from the start so if we feel that your desires for your event are not attainable within the budget that you set then we’re going to have that conversation before we even sign a contract. We are also your biggest advocates! So, if we feel a contract negotiation with another vendor is unfair, you best believe we are going to bat for you. 


Next, no, you can’t weasel an inaccurate budget by us haha! This is a mutual relationship of trust so if that’s your vibe, then we are not the best fit. We also contractually agree that we track expenses for you and that there are specific required categories that are included. There are also others that we are happy to track, but not include. You can view those a little farther down.


Are there any categories or vendors not included in the total budget


Yep! Attire, accommodations, rings and vendor gratuities are not included.


So, everything else is included in the total?



Yep! If we source it, secure it or track it then it’s included unless it’s in that list above. Required categories include (but are not limited to): Venue and/or tenting, Food & beverage, Staffing, Décor and flowers, Rentals, Entertainment, Lighting/production, Paper products, Favors and gifts, Beauty stylists, Photo and video, and Transportation


Ok, whew. Are we done with the money talk yet? 

I hope you can see that with one initial conversation we can funnel all budget tension and unify everyone's expectations from the start. I personally promise our planning relationship will not be built around money talk but the actual FUN planning process. 

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